TransParadise is a mobilizing force for the transgender migrant community, focused on dismantling barriers and fostering a world where transgender diversity is synonymous with cultural and social enrichment.
Our core values of intersectionality highlight the complex interplay of gender, migration, race, class, and ethnicity. Artistic expression is our tool to bridge cultural divides and foster understanding. We are dedicated to inclusion and empowerment, ensuring diverse voices are heard and valued, and advocating for a society where every identity is celebrated.

The brazilian travesti artist and theorist Dodi Leal, with her concept of "Encantravar," that we can try to translate to “transenchant” offers us a metaphorical key to unlock new possible worlds.
"Encantravar is the travesti enchantment of the world. It involves embracing interruptions of domination and freezing the colonial marks of gender: cisgender and masculinity. It is no coincidence that the enchanted is an improvement of the world through theTRANS-formation of the world. To TRANS-formate is to improve: to act against the cis-patriarchal domination of the world that forges masculinity as the paradigm of nation and authority: domination ('of-man-nation'). The encantravamento is inexorably a healing process (...) as it alters the structures of scarcity of imagination and the regimentation of cis-bureaucracies that aim at self-maintenance. Travesti is excellence. Encantravar the world is to refuse the disciplinary paradigm of cisgender productivity and competitiveness and to establish transgender indisciplines as a fabular episteme".
Leal, Dodi. T. B. . Fabulações travestis sobre o fim [Tradução]. Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia. DOI: 10.20396/conce.v10i00.8664035